5'26" by > v 0 x < anotha totally wikkid drum'n'base track d0ne by vox...... what 'bout those flanged breaks,ha? :) don't they sound really wikkid? hehehe the compulsory greetz must go to these ppl: celsius - wikkidiest junglist out there :) juice - he ain't that wikkid but you cannot say he aint trying :) and,of course,to all of dajointmen krew: sheffra (great soundz but pleeze try uzin' pt instead of octa ) red kaa - hmm...bein' ratha lazy lately? ;) then timo(thx for da great tape from kiss fm),bri,panik,meanace dafreq and spanky _______.peace. _______.love. ____!.junglism.!